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Voices in Prayer

Meets Sunday morning immediately following worship at the front of the sanctuary to pray for concerns that have been shared during worship

Voices in Prayer
Stephen's Ministry

Christian care giving and visitations, and one-on-one listening with the Stephen Ministry.


Congregational Care

Assists members of the church in times of need with meals, funeral assistance, sending cards with caring messages, telephoning, home visits, rides to appointments, and more.

Retreat Ministry

The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity, comprised of fifteen talks by lay and clergy on the themes of God's grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church. The course is wrapped in prayer and meditation, special times of worship and daily celebration of Holy Communion. The Emmaus Walk typically begins Thursday evening and concludes Sunday evening.


During and after the three days, Emmaus leaders encourage participants to meet regularly in small groups. The members of the small groups challenge and support one another in faithful living. The three-day Emmaus experience and follow-up groups strengthen and renew Christian people as disciples of Jesus Christ and as active members of the body of Christ in mission to the world.

Worship Committee

Assists pastor in planning and implementing worship in the life of the church. Enlists volunteer ushers, liturgists, communion servers, and candle lighters

Food Ministry


There are many folks in our congregation who are experiencing difficult times with health issues. 

Questions have been asked, “How can I help?, Is there anything you need?”


Watch for further updates as this ministry evolves. Hopefully in a positive and blessed direction.



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