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Discovering your Spiritual Gifts

According to the Apostle Paul, everyone has unique Spiritual Gifts that are expected to be used for the building up of the church and the Kingdom of God.  Below is a description of each gift, their possible application and their corresponding Administrative Committee and Ministry Teams. Some gifts are narrow and specific and some are broad.  You will note that there are a number of spiritual gifts for each committee and ministry team.  Some  committees have a few, some a lot.  


Knowing what your gifts are and their corresponding committees and Mission teams is not meant to box you into what you can or cannot do in the church.  The survey is meant to give you a better understanding of what your interests are.  The presumption is that you will enjoy serving in the church doing those things which are closer to your interests.  Knowing what your Spiritual Gifts are may also give you the motivation and courage to join a mission team or start a new ministry that reflects your interests.  You don’t have to wait to be asked to join a Ministry Team.  You can just do it.


After the resurrection, the Disciples were led by the Holy Spirit to form the church at which time they became the Apostles. Persons with this gift are focused on building the church’s mission of reaching out to the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.  
Application:  Persons with this gift are able to look beyond cultural and social barriers to see needs and  opportunities where the church can be in mission locally and globally.  
Committee and Teams:  Church Council, Mission, Finance, Worship, Lay Leader/Lay Delegate, Integration. Invitational, Educational, Nominations


This gift is not about predicting the future.  In the Bible, prophets spoke on behalf of what God wants for his people particularly when it comes to how they treat their neighbor.  Persons with this gift are concerned about how the Church addresses God's concerns about issues of justice, especially the treatment of those who are marginalized.  They are perceptive to where God is leading the church and what God wants the church to do.      
Application: Persons with this gift may advocate that the church take on a particular issue of justice.  They may start an action group or study group to deal with a social justice issue.  They may also act as a bridge to outside non-profit groups advocating for social justice.       
Committee and Teams:  Missions, Church Council,  Worship, Educational


The root of the word Evangelism means “Good News”. Persons with this gift want others to know in a personal way the good news of God’s love for them in Jesus Christ.  They are focused on building personal relationships with people and are accepting of people as they are.  They are sensitive to how God is moving in a person's life and are able to apply the Gospel to personal circumstances in life.  
Application: Persons with this gift would do well in creating and leading small groups in which people experience and learn more about God’s grace and forgiveness.  They would also be good at helping people feel at home and welcome in the church.  They would also be good at ensuring that persons are involved in some part of the life of the church.    
Committee and Teams: Invitational,  Education, Missions, Integration, Worship, Finance, Nominations


Persons with this gift have a deep concern for what people are feeling and going through and want to help.  They are empathetic, good listeners, non judgmental and patient. They are also concerned about how the community supports one another.   


Application: Persons may do well in a group that visits people who are sick and need pastoral care and support. They may also do well in leading a support or study group. 


Committee and Teams:  Congregational Care Team, Stewardship, Missions, Integration


Persons with this gift are able to clearly explain biblical and spiritual truths and help people find ways to apply them in their lives.  They love people and want to help them grow spiritually.  


Application: Persons with this gift would be good at anything that involves learning, like Sunday School or Bible Study.  They would be helpful in designing a campaign of support for a particular cause.     


Committee and Teams: Educational. Finance, Stewardship, Mission, Integration, Children and Youth


Persons with this gift are able to help people see hope and opportunities in difficult and challenging situations. They are not judgmental but are able to  empower people to make positive choices and change in their lives.      


Application: Persons with his gift would do well working with people who are struggling with life and their faith. They would also do well on teams where there is often negativity and criticism


Committee and Teams:  Congregational Care Team, Stewardship, Integrational, Educational Ministries. Children and Youth, Worship, Nominations.


This is more than having knowledge of facts.  It is an intrinsic ability to stretch beyond the facts and figures to search, make sense of and bring together the teaching of God for people’s lives.    Persons with this gift are able to connect the dots to see and understand the larger picture of how God is moving.     
Application:  Persons with this gift would do well leading a spiritual growth group.  They would serve well on Committees to help them see the larger picture of God’s will and purpose.  
Committee and Teams: Church Council, Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Nominations, Integration, Trustees.


Persons with this gift value experience.  They are in tune with God’s heart and desire for people.  They are thoughtful and not prone to rash decisions and action.  They seek understanding rather than confrontation.     
Application: Persons with this gift would be helpful in pastoral care situations where people might need guidance.  People with this gift would serve well on committees and teams who have difficult decisions to make. 

Committees and Teams:  Staff-Parish Relations, Church Council, Finance, Congregational Care, Trustees
Application: Persons with this gift may advocate that the church take on a particular issue of justice.  They may start an action group or study group to deal with a social justice issue.  They may also act as a bridge to outside non-profit groups advocating for social justice.       
Committee and Teams:  Missions, Church Council,  Worship, Educational


The people with this gift are hands-on people. They love to help people with whatever tasks and problems they may have. They are good at problem solving and getting groups of people to work together for a common cause.  
Application:  Persons with this gift would do well in any activity that requires hands-on help.  They would also be good at planning and organizing events.   They are happy to assist in any necessary activity. 
Committees and Teams:  Trustees, Missions, Teaching, Children and Youth, Nominations, Hospitality, Worship


Persons are generous with giving their blessing to others. They lead by example but are not haughty about how much money they have.  They are comfortable with talking about money and its importance to their witness and faith. 
Application:  Persons with the gift would do well in those situations raising adequate financial support for ministry is important.  They would also be good at influencing others to share their blessings too.     
Committees and Teams: Church Council, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee


People with this gift are able to influence people to follow them.  They are able to identify the issues and ways to address them.  They are able to find consensus and common ground.  They also are able to deal with conflict.   


Application: Person with this gift would do well in leading any committee or ministry group especially where there is so much difference of opinions and ways of doing things.  


Committee and Teams: Church Council, Finance Committee, Trustees, Staff Parish, Missions, Integrational, Worship.


Persons with this important gift are empathetic and understanding with the suffering that people experience. They want to help or find ways to help people.  They are free with their support and understanding. 


Application:   Persons with this gift would do well in any situation where caring and supportive relationships are important such as support groups, a Volunteers in Mission Group, helping in a food pantry, mentoring people who need mentoring and those experiencing trauma and grief.  They would also be good at advocating for those people in the church and community who are often overlooked and/or marginalized. 


Committee and Teams: Congregational Care, Hospitality, Invitational, Missions, Staff Parish Relations.


Persons with this strength have an inner strength and calm even in the most difficult circumstance.  They trust God both through their words and actions.  They are able to help people see where God is present and working in their circumstance.  


Application: Person with this gift would do well with people who are experiencing a spiritual crisis.  They would also serve in a committee where faith in God’s grace and blessing is necessary.  


Committee and Teams: Congregational Care, Finance, Stewardship, Church Council,


Persons with this gift believe in the truth ”Through God all things are possible.”  They have a hopeful spirit.  They also see opportunities and possibilities in particular circumstances.    
Application:  Persons with this gift would be good in groups that help people in difficult  circumstances and are in need of hope and understanding.  They would also be good in committee and mission teams tasked with difficult decisions
Committee and Teams: Missions, Congregation Care, Finance, Stewardship, Prayer Groups


Persons with this gift are concerned with the health and well being of people.  They understand that healing is both physical and spiritual. They believe and practice the power of prayer to heal.   
Application:  They would be good with anything having to do with health and well-being.  They would be good advocates for health issues people are facing, like starting a Sunday morning blood pressure check up for older members.  They would be good at starting and leading prayer groups and may start a worship service devoted to healing. 
Committee and Teams: Congregational Care, Worship,


Persons with this gift do more than speak in a strange of foreign language.  They understand that there are times when our words and understanding are not adequate for what we are going through.  They are attuned to the spiritual meaning of things and recognize the movement of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the church.   
Application:  Persons with this gift are concerned with a person’s spiritual experience in church.  They would be good at leading a prayer group or Spiritual discipline group.  They would also be good at helping in leading worship in designing liturgy that includes the experiential and kinesthetic. 
Committee and Teams: Worship, Prayer groups


People with this gift in the Bible are able to understand and interpret what people who speak in tongues are saying.   They are attuned to what is going on spiritually within the church.    
Application: Person with this gift would be good at helping people find meaning in their spiritual experience with God.  
Committee and Teams:  Worship, Congregational Care

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